Mon, 29 February 2016
How Rude! is LIVE with returning guests Eunji Kim, Eddie Klinker, and Kristin Ramsey! We had a blast talking about the premiere episode of 'Fuller House', in which DJ scams her way into a free house and co-parents in the form of Stephanie and Kimmy. New characters include the kids (Max, Jackson, Ramona) and Kimmy's wildly gay ex-husband, Fernando. It's ridiculous, it's emotionally manipulative, and our guests basically loved it. An enormous amount of gratitude goes out to Zach Sigelko and everyone at the Lincoln Loft for welcoming us with open arms. We couldn't have pulled this off without Zach's help and if at any point he wants to cash in those chips for hugs and kisses we'll have them at the ready. Thanks must also go out to everyone in the audience. We're so happy you were there with us! This show is the worst! XOXO |