Mon, 29 May 2017
Bill Nielsen (host of the So Many Bits podcast) may wind up taking home the prize for Best Childhood Catchphrase. It's honest to God adorable and I would never spoil it here, you'll just have to exercise some patience and hear it for yourself! Bill joined us to watch and analyze "Dateless in San Francisco", in which Danny frets over a Valentine's Day date with Claire (who we never actually seen onscreen, in a clear display of cutting production costs); Aunt Becky frets over the dimming ember that is her love life; Stephanie tries to woo a straight up WEIRD looking dude; and Michelle, having seen all of this heteronormative bullshit on clear display, uses it to justify her obsession with Teddy. It's some of the most White People Bullshit we've ever seen from this show, and that's certainly saying something. Also: Could the Fonz win in a thumb war with Uncle J? And why is Joey still allowing himself to be the subject of unwanted sexual advances? Does he like it? Does he need it? Are we blaming the victim here? Who knows! All we know is that this podcast. Is. Fabulous. XOXO |