How Rude! The Full House Podcast

Nathan Kaplin could have gone to his very grave without having seen a second of the nonsense that is 'Full House'. But what happened to him? We happened to him, we did, we did. We took Nathan, we sat him down, and we made him watch "Room for One More". Fine, we didn't *make* him watch it. We asked him very nicely and he agreed to do it. But even so. Even so! We ruined this young man and for that we should be punished. Punish us. "Room for One More?" is all about Jesse and Becky wanting to have another kid. Their ultimate decision blows our minds and from this point forward we honestly have no idea what is coming next. Like, seriously, what the fuck is going on? Also, a pig named Scruffy is on the scene to warm our hearts and make our blood run cold, and he's the best part of the entire episode. We love you, Scruffy, please eat us out. XOXO

Direct download: 122._Room_for_One_More_.m4a
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:20am EST