How Rude! The Full House Podcast

Alex Marianyi is a man who stands on his own two feet. Alex Marianyi is trying to take your dinnertime prayers seriously. Alex Marianyi loves your fried hair and doesn't want you to change. He is also our honorary Rude Dude for the week, which means he had to sit through and help us dissect "Educating Jesse". That's right, Jesse is going back to school after revealing a secret that completely undermines everything we've heard about him in the past. It's a laughably stupid retcon ... but what are ya gonna do? At least it allows us to cut away from the Michelle plot, which is all about tying Goddamn shoes. Oh, be still, my heart! Also: Everyone gets confused by Joey's Star Trek impression and no one seems to know if a "chocolate Twinkie" is known as a Ho Ho or a Ding Dong (spoiler: It's a Ho Ho). We hope you enjoy this week's offering, but just know that no one will find Jon funnier than Jon himself. XOXO

Direct download: 106._Educating_Jesse.m4a
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:28am EST